Friday, June 11, 2010

Goofy Mergers

A number of years ago there was a proposed merger between Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers. Rumor had it that the new company would be called:
Fairwell Honeychild

There is a merger in the works involving Polygraph Records, Warner Brothers and Keebler. It will be called:


There has long been a rumor that W. R. Grace Co. was going to buy the Fuller Brush Co. and Mary Kay Cosmetics and then merge with the Hale Business Systems. This would result in the new mega-corporation:

Hale Mary Fuller Grace

Don't forget the failed merger between Yahoo and Netscape:


It didn't work out because they were afraid they would have to relocate the headquarters to Tel Aviv.

Others in the works:

3M & Goodyear = mmmGood

John Deere & Abitibi-Price = Deere Abi

Honeywell & Imasco & Home Oil = Honey, I'm Home

Denison Mines & Alliance & Metal Mining = Mine, All Mine

3M & JC Penney & Canadian Opera Company =
3 Penney Opera

Grey Poupon & Dockers Pants = Poupon Pants

Knott's Berry Farm & National Organization of Women =
Knott NOW

Crabtree & Evelyn and Apple Computer = Crab Apple

Swissair & Cheseborough-Ponds = Swiss Cheese

Zippo Manufacturing & Audi & Dofasco & Dakota Mining = Zip Audi Do Da

Source: Internet