Monday, June 21, 2010

Keyboard Abbreviations And Icons

All of us have seen these abbreviations and keyboard icons online. Now you will understand them and be able to use them.


ASAP...................As Soon As Possible

BBL.....................Be Back Later

BRB.....................Be Right Back

FYI.......................For Your Information


IMHO....................In My Humble Opinion

LOL.....................Laughing Out Loud

LTNS...................Long Time No See

MYOB..................Mind Your Own Business

OIC......................Oh I See

PTSS...................Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome

ROTF..................Rolling On The Floor

ROTFL................Rolling On The Floor Laughing

ROTFLMAO.........Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Anatomy Off

Pictures Using The ALT Button and Number Pad (make sure the number lock button is activated).In each case, you will see the graphic, a description and the keys to press to create the graphic. (The "," is just a separator.)

ô¿ô.............Face............Alt+147, Alt+168, Alt+147

â¿â.............Face.............Alt+131, Alt+168, Alt+131

~¿ô............Wink.............Alt+638, Alt+168, Alt+147

~¿~............Sleeping........Alt+638, Alt+168, Alt+638

:Þ...............Sticking Tongue out...... :, Alt+0222

++............Crosses......... + Alt+0134 +

§§(^o^)§§..Bozo The Clown...Alt 789 twice ( ^ o ^ ) Alt 789 twice

¦:)..............Face w/eyebrows.. Alt+1478, :, )

Other Pictures for you to make:

®®®®®..............rolls of Rolads (also Reese's Pieces)

(§)(§)(§)(§)..........Raspberry frosted sugar cookies



(#)(#)(#)(#)..........Peanut Butter Cookies

@@@@.............Cinnamon rolls

c[_] c[_] mugs

c[_]~................mug with tea back tag sticking hot tea

[__]D..................soup mug or really big coffee mug

[_])[_]) mugs

(_)D(_)D.............more coffee mugs

(_)/ £(_)/ and tea pots

(|_/ ([_]).............cream and sugar

<%)<%)<%)......pepperoni pizza

\/ \ooooo/ \*****/....fudge, Swedish meatballs and pop corn.

8=8 8=8 8=8 8=8.....Doggie treats.

<%)<#)<%)<$)<§)...various pizzas

^<**>^ ^<**>^......Crabs

^j^.........................Angel in breeze

^^i^^.....................Mature angel

^i^.........................Little angel

\o/\o/\o/...................hands raised together in praise

======{[@]} belt

[**]D [**] cocoa with star mini-marshmallows :)

}:> ..........................Devil

:oP or :-P................Sticking out tongue


<:3 .....................mouse="" br="">
c[[]] ........................Pint of beer


<~~~~~....................Referring to yourself


\_/ \_/....................Soda

(~~)? (~~)3...........Coffee mugs

[%]D.....................Hot cocoa with mini marshmallows

[:::] [:::].................Poptarts for all

(sgeg)===..............Pan of scrambled eggs



<3 br="" earts="">
@-->-->-- ...............A rose

())))___crayola___)))>.......Crayola Crayon


{{{a screen name here}}}..Personal Cyber hugs

{{{ }}}......................Lots of Hugs

:) ............................Smile or :o) ......with round nose

(:D) ..........................Big Grin


:O.............................REALLY Surprised

:D.............................Laughing/smiling :oD.....with nose

:+ or :o+.................Kiss

:* or :o*.................Whistle

;) or ;o)..................Wink

:x or :ox.................My lips are sealed


=)..............................Smiley face

:( or :o(...................Frown

:'( or :,( or :,o(........Crying

0:).............................Angel (Halo is a zero)


\o/ \o/ \o/...................Praising God

:-) Y:-I Indifferent smiley. Better than a :-( but not quite as good as a :-).

:-> User just made a really biting sarcastic remark. Worse than a ;-). and sour basic smiley.

;-) Winky smiley.

:-( Frowning smiley.

8-) User is wearing sunglasses.

B:-) Sunglasses on head.

:'-) User is so happy, s/he is crying.

:-@ User is screaming.

:-D User is laughing (at you!)

:-X User's lips are sealed.

,-) Ditto...but he's winking.

:* Kisses.
:-) ha ha

:-( boo hoo

Source: Internet