Friday, August 30, 2013

How To Give Your Kid The Best First Day Of School Ever

The night before school starts, read a book together that will calm your kid’s nerves.

The night before school starts, read a book together that will calm your kid's nerves.
Wimberly Worried is the perfect back-to-school read. Here’s a solid list of other great first-day books.

If you’re cool with them wearing nail polish, give your child a school-themed manicure.

If you're cool with them wearing nail polish, give your child a school-themed manicure.
Directions here.

Play your child’s favorite song to lure them out of bed and then let a miniature dance party ensue.

How To Give Your Kid The Best First Day Of School Ever
Whether your kid has been counting down the days until they return to school or totally dreading it, there’s no doubt that listening to their favorite song will give them some incentive to wake up.
Bonus: Here are some helpful tips on readjusting your child’s sleep schedule before school starts.

Get them psyched to get dressed by giving them a new pair of socks.

Get them psyched to get dressed by giving them a new pair of socks.
Snazzy! Available here.

Serve up a special breakfast.

Like these owl-shaped pancakes…

Like these owl-shaped pancakes...
Get the recipe here.

Or, if you don’t feel like getting up early to cook, have a mini smoothie prepping party with your kids the night before.

Or, if you don't feel like getting up early to cook, have a mini smoothie prepping party with your kids the night before.
Let them pick out a few ingredients, pack them in plastic bags, place in the freezer, and blend the following morning.

Here are eight easy three-ingredient smoothie recipes.

Sneak a small gift into your kid’s backpack.

Sneak a small gift into your kid's backpack.
Nothing too extravagant or distracting. Like, maybe these Colored Smencils?
“Colored Smencils are made from recycled newspapers and are infused with natural scents that waft up gently as you use them.”

Available here.
Or a mini gnome-covered notebook.
Available , $3.30.

Snap a quick photo before heading off to school.

Snap a quick photo before heading off to school.

Since you’ve already got the chalk out, you might as well draw a hopscotch path leading out from the front door to the car.

Since you've already got the chalk out, you might as well draw a hopscotch path leading out from the front door to the car.
Or, at least to the end of the driveway or sidewalk, if they’re taking the bus.

Pack an unconventional note in their lunch bag.

Pack an unconventional note in their lunch bag.
Turns out, if you scratch a message on a banana, it stays mostly invisible for an hour or so and then appears.
Instructions here.

Or make some personalized fruit labels.

Or make some personalized fruit labels.
A slightly more discreet way to show your love.
Simply write on blank stationary labels with some fine-tip markers.

If your child prefers apple slices, use this handy trick to keep them from browning.

If your child prefers apple slices, use this handy trick to keep them from browning.
Full directions here.

Slip a doughnut into their lunch.

Slip a doughnut into their lunch.
OK, not an actual doughnut, but a special PB&J sandwich garnished with sprinkles.
Learn how to make it here.

Hang up a celebratory banner.

Hang up a celebratory banner.
Download this printable one for free here.

After school, create a time capsule.

After school, create a time capsule.
You and your child can open it up on the last day of school to see how they’ve changed!
Instructions here.

Source: Buzzfeed