Friday, October 3, 2008

Corinth, MS

Corinth is a city in Alcorn County, Mississippi, United States. The population was 14,054 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Alcorn County. Its ZIP codes are 38834 and 38835.

Corinth Lore

The Marriage Capital

During the early 1930’s through 1950’s, Corinth was known as a marriage capital. Hundreds of couples came to Corinth to purchase a license and to locate a minister or a Justice of the Peace who would marry them within minutes without the standard 3-day "waiting period."

Stateline Mob

During the 1940’s and continuing through the 1960’s, Corinth gained a reputation for being the hide-away for several Chicago mob affiliates and home to a notorious group from Alabama that became known as the "State Line Mob." Quickly being renamed "Little Chicago," Corinth’s nightlife became one filled with many "questionable" activities. In 1964, Bufford Pusser pinned on the badge of McNairy County Tennessee Sheriff and immediately pursued avenues to rid the Mississippi - Tennessee State Line Area of criminal activities. Now this tranquil stretch of by-passed highway holds only memories of Corinth’s colorful, yet checkered, past.


Corinth was founded in 1853 as Cross City, so-called because it served as a junction for the Mobile & Ohio and Memphis & Charleston railroads. It was the town's early newspaper editor, W.E. Gibson, who suggested the name of Corinth, named for the city in Greece that also served as a crossroads.

Corinth's location at the junction of two railroads made it strategically important to the Confederacy during the American Civil War. Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard retreated to Corinth after the Battle of Shiloh, pursued by Union Major General Henry W. Halleck. General Beauregard abandoned the town when General Halleck approached, letting it fall into the Union's hands. Since Halleck approached so cautiously, digging entrenchments at every stop for over a month, this action has been known as the Siege of Corinth.

The Union sent Maj. Gen. William Rosecrans to Corinth as well and concentrated their forces in the city. The Second Battle of Corinth took place on October 3–4, 1862, when Confederate Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn attempted to retake the city. The Confederate troops won back the city but were quickly forced out again when the Union troops were reinforced.

Corinth 1861 - 1865
By: Margaret Green Rogers

Corinth, at the junction of the Memphis and Charleston and the Mobile and Ohio Railroads, was recognized by both Confederate and Federal Commanders as being of such strategic importance that the village was occupied by one or the other of the forces from 1861 - 1865.

The resident population of the little town was 1,200; yet it boasted 5 churches, Corona College, 3 large hotels, numerous businesses and a number of fine homes.

During 1861, Corinth was a mobilization center for Confederate troops moving to Mobile, AL, Pensacola, FL, Virginia and Bowling Green, KY. After the fall of Fort Donelson, General Albert Sidney Johnston, Commander of Confederate Armies in the West, recognized Corinth's strategic value and made the Memphis and Charleston his line of defense. He charged General P.G.T. Beauregard with the responsibility of assembling troops at Corinth. As a result, New Orleans was abandoned; the coastal defenses at Pensacola, Mobile, and Charleston were striped; and northern Arkansas was abandoned.

Federal General W.H. Halleck also recognized Corinth's value. He telegraphed Secretary of War Stanton, "Richmond and Corinth are now the great strategical points of war, and our success at these points should be insured at all hazards."
As the Confederate armies assembled in Corinth, Union forces were concentrating at Pittsburg Landing, Corinth's nearest river port on the Tennessee, in preparation for an attack on the small northeastern Mississippi village.

Although the Trans-Mississippi armies had not reached Corinth, General Johnston decided to strike the Federal forces, under General U.S. Grant, before Grant was reinforced by General Don Carlos Buell: Consequently the CSA forces left Corinth April 3, 1862, and by April 6, were in position to attack Union forces, who were so positive the Confederates would not attack, they had not bothered to entrench. The two-day battle, named for Shiloh Church, ensued. On the second day, the Confederates were forced to withdraw to Corinth.

Following Shiloh, Corinth became a vast Confederate hospital center. Hotels, churches, residences, warehouses, and the college were filled with wounded; but, more troops died of sickness and diseases than wounds.

Prior to the march on Shiloh, extensive breastworks, called the Beauregard Line, had been begun on the eastern and northern side of Corinth. Work on these breastworks and on an inner line consisting of 5 crescent shaped rifle pits was vigorously renewed. Beauregard commanded a force of 112,100 after the Trans-Mississippi forces under Generals Price and Van Dorn arrived; but, due to sickness and desertion, his effective strength was under 60,000.

After Shiloh, Halleck superceded Grant and called for reinforcements. Late in April, the Union Armies of the Ohio, the Tennessee and the Mississippi, numbering 128,315 effectives, began inching and entrenching their way toward Corinth, taking a month to cover 20 miles. Finally, by May 28, Halleck had his army positioned outside the newly constructed CSA Beauregard Line. The Union Army of the Tennessee straddled the Mobile and Ohio Railroad on the north; the Army of Ohio was in the center to the northeast; and the Federal Army of Mississippi continued the eastern line to the south of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. In terms of aggregate numbers of troops involved, the Siege of Corinth was the greatest in the history of the Western Hemisphere.

Meanwhile in Corinth, Beauregard, without siege guns, vastly outnumbered and facing shortages of food and water, had called a conference of his generals. Their decision was to fall back southward down the Mobile and Ohio Railroad to Tupelo.

The evacuation was conducted with utmost secrecy. Troops with 3 days' cooked rations were ordered to the front and told they were about to attack. A few timorous ones went over to the Federals with the news.

The sick and wounded along with the military supplies and stores were removed by rail. On May 29, of necessity, the front line officers were told of the planned deception and added innovative touches of their own. Quaker guns manned with dummy cannoneers were placed along the lines, and wood was gathered for camp fires. No smallest detail was neglected in the plan to fool the Federals. During the night, as empty cars (trains) returned to the station, soldiers cheered as if being reinforced. Cavalry men kept camp fires burning and buglers moved along the deserted works playing retreat, tattoo and taps. By daybreak of May 30, all was quiet. Beauregard's forces, except for cavalry, had withdrawn from Corinth. The Confederates has successfully completed the greatest hoax of the war.

Halleck's Union forces were completely fooled. Next morning, May 30, they cautiously entered Corinth only to find the village deserted. The Chicago Tribune reported, "General Halleck has achieved one of the most barren triumphs of the war - in fact, tantamount to defeat." The Cincinnati Commercial stated, "Beauregard achieved another triumph."

After the Federal occupation of Corinth, Halleck began dispersing his huge army. He ordered a series of batteries, A through F, erected to continue the CSA Beauregard Line on the south and west. Called to Washington in July to be Commander-In-Chief, he left Grant in command of the western forces. During the summer, an inner line of 5batteries, known as the College Hill Line, was constructed.

In July, CSA General Bragg, who had replaced Beauregard as CSA Commander, moved to Chattanooga leaving Van Dorn and Price in Mississippi. Van Dorn moved southward; Price remained in the northern section to keep and eye on Grant.

Following the Battle of Iuka in September, Grant moved to Jackson, Tennessee, leaving General Rosecrans with 4 divisions in Corinth. Immediately, Rosecrans ordered the batteries in the College Hill Line connected by breastworks and covered with abatis. Work continued at Battery Powell, the only inner battery on the north.

Late in September, Van Dorn and Price met at Ripley and decided that the CSA Army of the West should attack Corinth despite its impregnable defenses. Van Dorn felt the attack in Corinth was a military necessity requiring prompt and vigorous action... Corinth, so hurtful to us while in the possession of the enemy, so advantageous to us in our own. Price believed Corinth warranted more than the usual hazard of battle.

Van Dorn believed that if the Confederates could surprise Rosecrans and storm the fortifications, they could take Corinth. His division, under Lovell, led the way northward from Ripley. It was followed by Price's two divisions under Maury and Hebert. Near Pocahontas, the 22,000 Confederates turned east, repaired the Hatchie River and Tuscumbia River bridges, skirmished with Union cavalry - thereby losing the element of surprise, and continued to Chewalla where they camped for the night of October 2.

Meanwhile, Rosecrans, aware that the Confederates were moving, had called his out-lying troops nearer to Corinth. On the morning of October 3, he sent three divisions to the old Beauregard Line. The fourth division was placed mid-way on the Halleck Line.

Lovell's CSA Division south of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad advanced against a hill honey-combed with rifle pits and crowned with artillery supported by infantry. The division took the hill; the Union forces retreated to Battery F. Two brigades from Maury's division crossed the railroad and took the battery. Price's two divisions advanced upon the entrenched Federals and forced them back. When darkness fell, the Confederates were within half-a-mile of the inner College Hill Line.

During the night, both commanders made preparations for the morrow's conflict. Van Dorn's plan for the Confederates was perform a pioneer-movement. Maury was to open with fire from his batteries in the center. Hebert on the CSA left would move forward, followed by Lovell on the right and Maury in the center.

The fighting on October 4 gave the Battle of Corinth its reputation of being one of the most vicious of the Civil War. Opening with an artillery duel, which ceased shortly before daylight, the first attack was launched on the extreme left by the CSA forces in the vicinity of Corinth High School. The Confederates were repulsed and retired from this part of the field. Meanwhile brigades from Hebert's and Maury's divisions broke through Federal lines near the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. Their assault carried them down Polk, Jackson and Fillmore Streets to the railroad intersection. There they were met by Union reserves. Hand-to-hand fighting ensued. Battery Williams turned cannon fire into the melee, and the Confederates began withdrawing.

In front of Robinett, Maury's brigades advanced through the abatis and into withering fire from Robinett's cannon. Colonel William P. Rodgers of the 2nd Texas led their third advance. Just as he reached the parapet, he was killed; and the Confederates began to retreat.

South of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, Lovell skirmished, but never advanced. Van Dorn ordered him to cover the Confederate retreat. By 2:00 p.m., the fatigued Confederates were retreating toward the Hatchie River.

On October 5, they battled with Union troops under Ord and Hurlbut before they finally crossed the Hatchie River at Crum's Mill and retreated to Ripley.

Rosecrans reported Federal losses 315 killed, 1,812 wounded, and 232 prisoners or missing; Confederate losses were 1,423 killed, 5,692 wounded, and 2,268 prisoners.

The Battle of Corinth was one of the fiercest and bloodiest of the war. Analysts consider it the beginning of the end of the War in the West.

In January 1864, the Federals partially destroyed and abandoned Corinth. During the ensuing year, CSA General Forrest repaired the Mobile and Ohio Railroad tracks to the point mules could pull the "cars" to Corinth. Then he repaired the M and C tracks to Florence, Alabama. Later in the year, CSA General Hood's army was in Corinth briefly. It was they who burned the Tishomingo Hotel.

A conservative estimate of troops stationed in or around Corinth during the war years numbered over 300,000. At least 200 top Confederate or Federal generals were stationed in Corinth; and over 100 skirmished and/or raids occurred in the area.

Jacinto Courthouse

Built in 1854, Jacinto Courthouse once served one of the largest counties in the State of Mississippi, Tishomingo. Tishomingo County, named for the leading chief of the Chickasaw tribe, comprised more that 923,000 acres until 1870 when it was divided into the present-day counties of Alcorn, Prentiss and Tishomingo. The courthouse was used as a school until 1908 and as a Methodist Church until 1960. Slated for demolition, the building was purchased in 1964 and restoration began.

Jacinto Courthouse is one of the South's most impressive examples of federal-style architecture. The hipped roof is topped with an octagonal cupola. The foundation is constructed of hand-cut stone. Each brick used in the building is hand-made and each board hand-hewn.

Each year Jacinto Courthouse becomes the site of an old fashioned 4th of July Festival.


-Complied by Ernie W. Rice, Jr.-

The railroads determined the location of Corinth, Mississippi, originally known as Crossroads, because it was the site where the longest railroads in the nation in the 1860’s intersected and crossed. These railroads were the Memphis & Charleston Railway and the Mobile & Ohio Railroad. The intersection as it is today is within a few feet of this original Civil War site.

Corinth was officially settled in 1854 several years prior to the war because of these railroads and their intersection. The community expanded rapidly because of these railroads. By 1861, both railroads were in full operation. The population was 1200; 5 churches, Corona college, 3 large hotels, numerous businesses and a number of fine homes had been built in growing community.

Corinth witnessed more military action than any other in the Confederate West. In the mid 1800’s, the Tishomingo Hotel with an adjoining train station located at the rail crossing. In January of 1865, this station and hotel were burned by the Confederates as they withdrew from Corinth.

Later in the 1800’s another wooden train station was erected at the site of the crossing of the Memphis & Charleston Railway and the Mobil & Ohio Railroad. Around the turn of the century, this building was demolished and a Victorian styled train station was erected to serve the area’s rail needs.

This building was later replaced in 1919 by a newer, more functional train station. This structure still stands today and exists substantially as it was when first built. At its zenith in the 1930’s and 40’s approximately 30 passenger trains stopped at Corinth station.

After many years of service to the traveling public and then after the demise of passenger service, the Corinth depot fell into disrepair and neglect causing the then owning railroad to schedule the demolition of this historic structure. In late 1988, after learning of the plans for the destruction of this building, a group of some 35 civic, business and professional leaders were organized in an effort to try to "Save the Depot". After numerous meetings and discussions with the then owning railroad, Mid south Railroad Corporation, the management of the railroad was convinced to withhold the demolition of the building and plans were made to form a non-profit organization to attempt to acquire and preserve the depot.

Early in 1991 an agreement was reached with the Mid south Railroad Corporation that allowed the Corinth Depot, Inc., to receive ownership to one of Corinth’s most historic landmarks, which has become known as the symbol and logo of Corinth, Mississippi. Ownership was transferred to the Alcorn Co. Board of Supervisors.

Plans are presently underway for a $350,000 renovation. The building will house the Northeast Mississippi Museum in the near future.

Attractions in Historic Downtown Corinth, MS

The Coliseum

A Mississippi Landmark, the coliseum first opened its doors on July 4, 1924. It was the largest theater building in North Mississippi with seating for 999. Though a lavish motion picture palace, the movie screen disappeared into the over stage fly area during Vaudeville and other live performances. The building was designed to provide near-perfect acoustics.

Visitors are often surprised by the Coliseum’s elegant and elaborate interior. Ornate plaster molding and motifs on the walls accent marble wainscoting. A winding white marble stairway provides visitors access to the Coliseum’s two balconies. High above the main seating area, a massive stained glass fixture provides incandescent illumination.

The League of Historic American Theatres with their "Historic Theatre Preservation Award" recognized Corinth’s Coliseum in 1991.The Coliseum is on the National Register of Historic Places.

Borroum's Drug Store

Established in 1869 by Dr. A.J. Borroum, a Confederate Army surgeon, this is the oldest drug store in Mississippi operated continuously by the same family. A large Indian Artifacts collection is on display at Borroum’s. Visitors can enjoy a nostalgic taste of the past while sipping an old fashioned Coke, made from syrup, or one of many other fountain specialties. Corinth’s famous slug burger may also be enjoyed at Borroum’s

Waits Jewelry

Previously operating as saloon, Mr. James Waits, who had fought in the Civil War and was stationed in Corinth, returned to the town and opened a watch shop in the summer of 1865. Mr. Waits’s son, E.F. Waits continued to operate the store following his father’s death.

E.F. Waits was very gifted and invented and completed the first airplane ever built and flown south of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River. In addition, Mr. Waits would construct the third wireless telegraph station in the United States and would build an X-ray machine at the request of a local physician.

Even today, this unique jewelry store is operated by the second generation of the Waits family and is the oldest business in Corinth.

Significant Facts

The Corinth Siege was in the early stage of the Civil War and the remaining earth works and rare surviving examples of early Civil War field fortifications were part of a developing technology that was later applied extensively at Vicksburg (1863), Northern Virginia and Petersburg (1864) and Atlanta (1864). They were studied by foreign armies prior to World War I and this technology evolved into the trench warfare system of World War I.

In terms of aggregate numbers of troops involved, the Siege of Corinth was the greatest in the history of the Western Hemisphere.

Shiloh was the largest battle of the Corinth Campaign, as the Battle of Shiloh was fought over the railroads in Corinth.

The Battle of Corinth was one of the fiercest and bloodiest of the war. Analysts consider it the beginning of the end of the War in the West.

Corinth has the largest and best preserved collection of Civil War earthworks dating to early 1863 in the United States.

Two of the most important trunk railroads in the Confederacy passed through Corinth, Mississippi. The first of these – the Memphis & Charleston - was the only railroad in the South providing service from the Mississippi River at Memphis, by way of Chattanooga, to Richmond and Atlanta and beyond. The other was the north-south Mobile & Ohio, connecting Mobile with Columbus, Kentucky. The railroad crossover gave to Corinth a strategic significance that made it the most significant transportation hub in the Western Confederacy during March – May 1862. These two railroads were the two longest railroads in the Western Theater.

On September 22, 1862, Abraham Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation. Slaves in the South began to leave plantations and seek refuge with the Union Army. Slaves from Mississippi, Tennessee, and Alabama made their way to Corinth seeking freedom. The arrival of the jubilant freedom overwhelmed the military authorities. On December 17, 1862, General Grant, the overall Union commander in the area, designated John Eaton "General Superintendent of Contrabands." The camp at Corinth was a model one. By March, 1863, the Contraband Camp housed 3657 former slaves. A regiment of black soldiers was raised to guard the camp. Since so many of the men at the camp had come from Alabama, the regiment was called the 1st Alabama Infantry of African Descent; later it became the 55th U.S. Colored Infantry.

Over 200 generals and 300,000 soldiers were in the Corinth area from 1861-1865.

Corona College, established in 1857 by the Rev. L.B. Gaston, was an elegant girls school. It was used as a hospital during 1862-1864 by Confederate and later Union Armies. In January 1864, it was burned when Federal forces left Corinth.

Did you know?

C & D Jarnagin Company of Corinth produces military uniforms and accoutrements for reenactments of the American Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War and the Civil War. Their goods are sold all over the world.

National Geographic Magazine is printed in Corinth by Quebecor Printing and is sent all over the world. In 1993, over two billion copies of National Geographic were produced in Corinth. National Geographic is the largest 2nd class state mailer in the world. By volume of mail in Mississippi, it is one of the largest post offices.
Cormac Sawmills, manufactured by Corinth Machinery Company, were sold throughout the world prior to World War II.

Before passenger trains were discontinued, Corinth was known for the hot chicken lunches and red-hot tamales sold by vendors at the train station.

Elvis Presley played in Corinth in 1954, but had to cancel a performance because of low ticket sales.

Lowes Home Improvement Warehouse is building its largest store in Mississippi in Corinth. It is to be over 163,000 square feet.

Alcorn County was named after the only Mississippian Scalawag Governor.

Because of no waiting period for marriage in Corinth, it was known as the "Marriage Mill."

December 7, 1874, the Jesse James gang robbed the Tishomingo Savings Bank in Corinth and escaped with $15,000.

When the three banks failed during the depression in 1930-31, Abe Rubel and Company’s firm carried on the banking business for the community.

The Mobile and Ohio railroad was completed to Corinth June 10, 1861.

Corona College was Corinth’s only female college.

On December 28, 1924 at 3:30 a.m. in 5 degree below zero weather, the oil stove in Jimmie Westbrook’s sandwich shop caught on fire leaving the entire city block in ashes. There were $1½ to $2 million dollars in damage and 50 businesses were destroyed.

January 31, 1951 and February 10, 1994 were the dates of the infamous ice storms which paralyzed Corinth for several weeks.

The first airplane flown by Roscoe Turner was built in the upstairs portion of the building now occupied by "JB Outdoors" on the corner of Fillmore and Cruise Streets.

Chickasaw and Choctaw Indian tribes originally inhabited North Mississippi.

The president’s wife, Mrs. William McKinley, visited Corinth on April 30, 1901
Tuscumbia was a Chickasaw Indian Chief and is buried just south of the Biggersville Community.

V.A. Grant was the pen name under which Gradey Peery wrote his articles

Located in Northeast Mississippi, Corinth is steeped in history with unforgettable people and places. Drive down Corinth’s tree-line streets or stroll the shaded sidewalks. Conjure up memories of a time when front porches were the heart of a community.

Discover our attractions and unique shops nestled throughout the Corinth Area. Step back to the days of vaudeville theatre, milkshakes, and nickel lunches. Experience civil war sites, museums, nostalgic downtown stores and colorful festivals.

Enjoy the rich food traditions of Corinth’s unique “Slug Burger” or the zesty tamales once peddled in the historic district. We invite you to stay the night at our hotels or bed & breakfasts. Explore, Discover, Remember…Corinth.

Corinth Coca-Cola Museum

Corinth's Coca Cola Bottling Works has been in operation in the city for over a century. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Weaver-Williams family in the Coca Cola business, the family recently opened the Corinth Coca Cola Museum in downtown.

The old soda fountain just inside the entrance of the museum welcomes each visitor. Nina Doran, who has worked at Coca Cola for 45 years, will be the museum's host. As you travel through the museum, you will see the relationship between the busines and the people of Corinth over the years. Memorabilia and interactive displays, as well as replicas of various aspects of the plant, will educate and entertain visitors.

The museum is located at 305 Waldron Street. Until after the first of the year, the museum is open free of charge. Although the hours of operation have not been definitely set, the museum is expected to be open from 10-4 six days a week.

Shiloh National Military Park

Shiloh National Military Park preserves the site of the largest battle of the 1862 Civil War campaign.

Located 22 miles northeast of Corinth on MS Hwy 2 & TN Hwy 22. Shiloh is open daily (except Christmas). The park admission fee is $2 per person (children 16 and under admitted free), or $4 per family.

There is no charge for educational groups. Visitors should allow at least one hour to drive the 9.5 mile automobile self-guided tour. There is a picnic area and a movie, “Shiloh — Portrait of a Battle” shown every half hour

Locales on the National Register of Historic Places:

Battery Williams (also known as Fort Williams),

Battle of Corinth, Confederate Assault Position,

The Siege of Corinth (also known as the First Battle of Corinth) was an American Civil War battle fought from April 29 to June 10, 1862, in Corinth, Mississippi.

Following the Union Army victory at the Battle of Shiloh, the Union armies under Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck advanced on the vital rail center of Corinth, Mississippi. Made cautious by the staggering losses at Shiloh, Halleck embarked on a tedious campaign of offensive entrenchment, fortifying after each advance. By May 25, 1862, after moving five miles in three weeks, Halleck was in position to lay siege to the town.

Confederate commander General P.G.T. Beauregard saved his army by a hoax. Some of the men were given three days' rations and ordered to prepare for an attack. As expected, one or two went over to the Union with that news. The preliminary bombardment began, and Union forces maneuvered for position. During the night of May 29, the Confederate army moved out. They used the Mobile and Ohio Railroad to carry the sick and wounded, the heavy artillery, and tons of supplies. When a train arrived, the troops cheered as though reinforcements were arriving. They set up dummy Quaker Guns along the defensive earthworks. Camp fires were kept burning, and buglers and drummers played. The rest of the men slipped away undetected, withdrawing to Tupelo, Mississippi. When Union patrols entered Corinth on the morning of May 30, they found the Confederates gone.

Coliseum Theatre - built in the early 20th century in the Colonial Revival style.

A Mississippi Landmark, the coliseum first opened its doors on July 4, 1924. It was the largest theater building in North Mississippi with seating for 999. Though a lavish motion picture palace, the movie screen disappeared into the over stage fly area during Vaudeville and other live performances. The building was designed to provide near-perfect acoustics.

Visitors are often surprised by the Coliseum’s elegant and elaborate interior. Ornate plaster molding and motifs on the walls accent marble wainscoting. A winding white marble stairway provides visitors access to the Coliseum’s two balconies. High above the main seating area, a massive stained glass fixture provides incandescent illumination.

The League of Historic American Theatres with their "Historic Theatre Preservation Award" recognized Corinth’s Coliseum in 1991.The Coliseum is on the National Register of Historic Places.

Corinth National Cemetery,

Corinth National Cemetery is a United States National Cemetery in the city of Corinth, in Alcorn County, Mississippi. It encompasses 20 acres, and as of the end of 2005, had 7,137 interments. It is administered by the Little Rock National Cemetery.

Corinth National Cemetery was established in 1866 as a place to inter the Union casualties of the Second Battle of Corinth, and other battles in the region. By the late 1870s there were over 5,000 interments in the cemetery. Nearly 4,000 of which were unknown.

Corinth National Cemetery was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1996.

Along with other sites, it was included in Siege and Battle of Corinth Sites, a National Historic Landmark designated in 1991

Downtown Corinth Historic District,

Dr. Joseph M. Bynum House - a home in the Late Gothic Revival style built in the late 19th century,

Federal Siege Trench (also known as Harper Road Trench),

Fort Robinette (also known as Battery Robinette) - site of the Civil War Interpretive Center,

Jacinto Courthouse (also called the Old Tishomingo County Courthouse) - built in the mid-19th century in the Federal style,

L.C. Steele House,

Midtown Corinth Historic District,

Franklin Cruise

Downtown Corinth, 515 Cruise Street

Web site:
Payment: Cash, Traveler’s Checks, Corporate Check, V, MC
2 Suites - (2 bedroom, 2 bath or 1 bedroom, 1 bath). Franklin Cruise is a completely restored historic downtown building on the National Register of Historic Places. Guests enjoy their own personal suite in historic downtown Corinth, located across the street from the tourism office and within walking distance of major attractions and restaurants. The suites are filled with fine antique furniture and oriental rugs and include: Full kitchen, Washer/Dryer, top of the line mattresses and linens, Living area with a large TV and DVD player, high-speed Internet access (wired & wireless). Concierge service and personal shopping (groceries, supplies, etc) available. No smoking, no pets. (Suites are on the second floor of the building and are not handicapped accessible)

Moores Creek site - a prehistoric Native American site from 3000 to 3500 B.C.
Old U.S. Post Office,

Rienzi Commercial Historic District,

Thomas F. Dilworth House,

Union Battery F, Battle of Corinth,

Union Earthworks,Civil War Earthworks

Corinth has the largest number of intact Civil War Earthworks in the United States. Take an in-depth look at Corinth’s strategic importance during the Civil War.

Driving tour and walking tour maps are available at the Corinth Civil War Interpretive Center, 301 Childs Street.

The Verandah House

Veranda House (also known as the Curlee House) - built in 1857, it served as headquarters for Confederate generals during the Battle of Corinth,
Built in 1857, the Verandah House is one of Corinth’s 16 National Historic Landmarks, as well as a Mississippi landmark. The house served as headquarters for Confederate Generals Braxton Bragg, John Bell Hood, Earl Van Dorn and Union General Henry W. Halleck.

705 Jackson Street

Brices Crossroads

The site where Confederate cavalry, under the command of General Nathan Bedford Forrest, defeated Union troops and forced their retreat to Memphis.

Battle Site: Located on MS Hwy 370, Off US Hwy 45; Open Daily.
Visitors Center: Located at 607 Grisham St., Baldwyn, MS, Open 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tue - Sat; 12:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. Sun
Admission: Adult $2.00, Children $1.00


The lowest temperature ever recorded in Mississippi occurred here on January 30, 1966reaching -19 degrees Fahrenheit.

Corinth is the hometown of famed early American aviator Roscoe Turner,

Noted American screenwriter and novelist Thomas Hal Phillips,

Noted American poet and artist J. E. Pitts,

The rock band Saving Abel,

And De' Lamont Sorrell CEO&/President of D&O Promotions a company that promotes all type of entertainment from Comedy Shows to Jazz Bands.

M.W. Baggett

Roscoe Turner

Born Corinth, MS, Sept 1895. Died June 23, 1970. Applied for Air Service in World War I, but was rejected because of his lack of a college education, so enlisted as an ambulance driver in May 1917. Then, in October, he applied for transfer to the Air Service and was that time accepted for flight training in balloons and aircraft, being honorably discharged in 1919 as a 1st Lieutenant.

He bought a surplus Standard H-1 and joined the cadre of post-war barnstormers, developing his image of sartorial splendor by designing the special uniform that would become his trademark costume. His flashing smile and easy personality, the eye-catching uniforms, his penchant for self publicity, his sleek aircraft and major sponsors all went toward the creation of a popular image. However, in the Turner’s case, it was not all show and publicity; while with Nevada Airlines in 1929 he also became a Colonel in the Nevada National Guard…hence his adopted title; Turner began making a mark in the world of air racing that was never equaled by any other flyer in that colorful early era. Among his many accomplishments were numerous transcontinental records, both west-east and east-west, and local dashes. In 1933 he won the Shell Speed Races and the famous Bendix Trophy. He was also first to cross the finish line in the Closed-Course Thompson Trophy Race, but was technically disqualified for a pylon infraction. In 1934 he won the Thompson, was second in the Shell Race, and finished second in the Speed Division of the McRobertson International Air Race from London to Melbourne. In 1935 he came in only 23.5 seconds behind the winner in the Bendix Race, and led the Thompson until the last half lap when his engine overheated. In 1938 he placed second in the golden Gate Trophy Race, and won the Thompson Trophy for the second time.

At the close of the 1939 National Air Races, at which he had won the Thompson Trophy for a third time, he announced his retirement from active competition to find a flying school at Indianapolis, IN. During WW2 he was responsible for training 3,300 military pilots. As America’s premier speed flyer, Turner was multiple winner of the Harmon and Henderson Trophies, and received a special Distinguished Flying Cross from Congress in 1952 for his contributions to aviation.

The Corinth municipal airport was renamed in his honor in 1961. Beyond his valuable contributions to the sport or racing and advancement of aviation technology, Colonel Roscoe Turner was a legendary personification of a golden era in aviation history. He was inducted into the Aviation Hall of Fame in 1975.—

Slug Burgers

What are slug burgers? A frequent question for the first time visitor to Corinth. You’ll find many opinions and explanations when you ask a local about slug burgers.

For those who have not sampled this local delicacy, featured in many local diners, do not be alarmed. Slug burgers are not made from the terrestrial gastropod mollusk of the same name. Locally, slug burgers have been overtly, or covertly, eaten for as long as most living Corinthians can remember. A slug burger is a burger made of a mixture of pork and Soy meal extender which is then deep-fat fried to a golden brown instead of grilled as a common hamburger. In earlier days, cornmeal was commonly used as an extender in slug burgers and animal fat was used in the frying. The standard garnish for a slug burger is mustard, pickle and an ample dose of onion.

The origin of the name is subject to some local debate and would be worthy of a PhD candidate’s research and dissertation in etymology. For many years, slug burgers were commonly sold locally for 5 cents (or a nickel). A slang expression for a nickel was a slug and hence, the most common explanation for the origin of the name, slug burger. Another use of the term slug derives from coins which were substitutes and may have related to slug burgers which were substitutes for real hamburgers. Yet another meaning of the term slug, in the meat packing trade, is for a dressed forequarter of lamb or mutton which could have possibly been used at some point in time in a meat mixtures as an additional extender to the more expensive beef. If you are particularly sensitive to fried food, or if you over-indulge in slug burgers, you may feel as if someone slugged you in the stomach and some residents believe this is the origin of the term slug burger. Finally, slug burgers should be served hot and eaten immediately. If they are not hot, and particularly in the days when they were fried in lard, a cold slug burger could bear some visual resemblance to garden pest and hence the name.

Taken From: The Gourmand’s Guide To Dining In And Around Corinth ©1992, Milton Sandy, Jr