Friday, October 3, 2008

Love, MS

Love: Dr. W.K. Love purchased land in 1851, which included the present site of this little village. His slaves helped to build the Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad, which is now part of the Illinois Central. The village, situated on this railroad, was first known as Love Station, in honor of Dr. Love. Bob Wheeler of Love, told us that Love first became a settlement when the Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad was constructed, about the year 1855. However, he added that the town only began to grow after the war. In 1873, Dr. W.K. Love, for whom the place is named, deeded to the trustees of the M.E. Church a lot, on which was constructed the first church. In 1874, according to Mr. Wheeler, he also deeded a site for a depot and a lot for a school. Mr. Wheeler said that he gained this information from the record book, Chain of Titles, Town Lots, in the courthouse at Hernando. At one time, Wheeler continued, Love was an incorporated town, having about six stores, two blacksmith shops, and other business houses. With the construction of good roads, business declined at Love, due in part to the proximity of Hernando.