Friday, February 24, 2012

Please Pass The Biscuits ~ Lyrics

(Performed by Wiley Walker and Gene Sullivan, 1962)

[SUNG:] Just picture a lad between mom and dad.
It's Sunday; the table is set.
There's uncles, there's aunts, and cousins galore,
But plenty of food to be et.
The blessing is said. They reach for the bread.
It's a feast a king would afford.
There's clatter, there's chatter, but something's the matter.
There's someone who's being ignored.

[SHOUTED:] Hey, would you please pass the biscuits?
Would you pass the biscuits, please?

[SPOKEN:] It's the same thing ever' Sunday since I can't remember when:
Kinfolks all around the table, with biscuits up 'tother en'.
I got a plate o' chicken an' 'taters an' a lot o' stuff like 'at.
All I need now is a biscuit, but foot! Look where they're at!
Could reach across the table, but that's ill mannered, ma allus said.
Shore wish I had a biscuit, 'cause I can't eat without bread.

[SHOUTED:] Hey, would you please pass the biscuits?
Would you pass the biscuits, please?

[SPOKEN:] All I want's a biscuit, but nobody seems to keer.
'IF they wouldn't talk so doggone loud, they might be able to hear.
They talk (?) as they're half-finished eatin' and I ain't even begun.
Look at them biscuits disappear! Be lucky if I get a one.
It's the same thing ever' Sunday: allus got comp'ny to be fed.
They talk like they 'as wound up. Shore wish I had a piece o' bread.

[SHOUTED:] Hey, would you please pass the biscuits?
Would you pass the biscuits, please?

[SPOKEN:] It looks like somebody 'd notice that I ain't started eatin' yet.
I shore will be glad when they get their fill an' go to the parlor an' set.
Then I won't have to watch m' manners. I'll dus' reach me a biscuit myse'f.
Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle! They hain't a biscuit lef'!
The only day o' the week that we all get Sunday (?) fed,
They've et up all the biscuits, and I dus' cain't eat without bread. ~ music video on Youtube

Source: Internet