Sunday, December 2, 2012

History Of The Twinkie

Here is the history of the “Twinkie”. An illustrious background, with lots of customers— not enough to keep the unions from killing the product and 18,500 jobs.

“During the Great Depression, Hostess’ parent Continental Baking Co. was looking for an inexpensive treat to market to a penny-pinching public. Chicago-based Baker Manager James Dewar startsed experimenting, injecting cakes with banana-cream filling. He decided to call them Twinkies after passing a billboard for “Twinkle Toe Shoes.” The original cost was two for a nickel.

Banana rationing during World War II caused Continental to switch Twinkies from banana-cream to vanilla-cream filling.

Twinkie solidified itself as a lunch-box staple in the 1950s when it partnered with “The Howdy Doody Show,” and Buffalo Bob Smith urged kids to ask their moms for the treat.”

As Buffalo Bob would ask, “what time is it?” The answer was Howdy Dowdy time, now it is time to end the goonish actions of unions killing the economy and hopes of families.

Source: Internet