Wednesday, November 13, 2013

10 Uses for Deodorant

1. Prevent from bra chafing. For those endowed with a large bosom, perspiration or sweat accumulating beneath the bra could often lead to bacteria funk and skin tags. Make sure to rub/apply a good antiperspirant underneath your breasts before slipping on a bra. This way, chafing can be prevented while keeping it sweet smelling or dry.

2. Just bought a new pair of shoes that are rubbing against your feet? Put a stop to blisters by simply swiping a stick of antiperspirant around the sides of your clean, dry feet and just slip the shoes on. The deodorant works as a shield between your shoes and your skin thus lubricating those problem areas.

3. Feeling itchy caused by pesky bug bites? I tried this one and it really worked! Swipe the stick of deodorant on the affected area a few times a day or whenever it feels itchy and watch the itching vanish.

4. Keeping down stinky feet. Swipe a stick of deodorant/antiperspirant on the bottoms of your feet before hitting the bed will ward off foot odor and wetness during the day. Deodorant stops wetness and odor in places on our bodies and our feet are one of those places. Stick deodorants/antiperspirants will make the feet slithery until they are absorbed so make sure to wear hosiery or socks after application.

5. Trying to fit in those skinny jeans? Swiping your legs with antiperspirant/deodorant will actually lubricate or grease your legs right into a pair of tight skinny jeans or any leather related pants.

6. Dry out zits. Stick deodorant/antiperspirant is known for its drying agent, therefore you can use this to dry out zits, fever blisters and cold sores. Just be sure to designate a different deodorant for this purpose other than the one you used for your armpits.

7. Keep clammy and sweaty hands dry. Use unscented deodorant/antiperspirant over the palm of your hands to keep it dry. Of if you sweat when it comes to makeup, apply some deodorant on your face, and then apply makeup.

8. Rub on your thighs to prevent chaffing if you want to wear a cute skirt in the summer without wearing pantyhose.

9. Apply deodorant to you bikini line after shaving to prevent razor bumps.

10. Mend that squeaking door. Rub a stick of deodorant on your door hinge to get rid of that squeaky sound.

Source: Internet