Monday, December 9, 2013

She May Only Be 11, But What This Girl Just Said About Work Ethics Is Stunning

Madison Root gave what Glenn Beck called one of the best interviews “ever” to be conducted on his radio show. And she’s only 11 years old.

Root is the young girl who wanted to help pay for her braces, so she decided to gather 100 bags of mistletoe from her uncle’s farm and sell it at the popular Portland Saturday Market in Portland, Ore. She said she was told by a security guard that city ordinance bans such commerce without proper approval — but that she could beg for money instead.

“I don’t want to beg! I would rather work for something than beg,” she told KATU-TV of the exchange.

The Marketplace by TheBlaze saw Root as the perfect budding entrepreneur to encourage and assist, and announced Thursday that it will hold a limited-time fire sale of her mistletoe.

Root called in to Beck’s radio program Thursday to discuss the incident and the fire sale, and by the end of the interview, Beck and his co-hosts were wondering aloud how many years it would be until she could run for president.

“What it really boils down to is this generation’s work ethic,” Root told them. “And I think that how it’s going right now … it’s disappointing to me that this country has come down to begging, instead of working hard for something you want and you need!”

Beck asked the 11-year-old, who goes to public school, where she is learning such values. She said her father is an entrepreneur with his own company, and “my whole family has always been entrepreneurs; they always have some business going on.”

Beck told his audience that The Marketplace would not profit from the sale, and that the only extra cost to consumers is a small surcharge to cover credit card fees. He had hoped they could sell all 1,000 orders by the end of the day — but they were sold out within an hour of the interview.

Beck said they are working to get more orders, and you can check out the sale yourself by clicking here.

“Don’t you ever give up on dreaming,” Beck told Root. “Don’t you ever let somebody tell you, ‘Well you can’t do this because you need these permits…’ There’s always, always a way to freedom and to pursue your own happiness and your own dreams. That is what the Constitution guarantees you … so don’t ever give up.”

The full episode of The Glenn Beck Program, along with many other live streaming shows and thousands of hours of on-demand content, is available on just about any digital device. Get it all with a FREE TRIAL.

UPDATE: The fire sale for mistletoe by Madison Root on TheBlaze Marketplace is officially closed. A staggering 3,000 orders were placed within 6 hours of the 11-year-old’s interview on the Glenn Beck Program.
