Thursday, September 10, 2015

In Memory Of 9-11

In Memory Of  9-11-01
Shining in the Dark

Today I lit a candle which sparkled very bright
It chased away the darkness, flooding it with light
A thousand names were seen there
With each flicker came a thousand more.

Each one a very precious memory
Resting now on another shore
Today I lit a candle many others did the same
One World united, in that one eternal flame.

~ Helen Arnold ~

With deepest sympathy to all who were
personally touched by this tragedy.

We would like to salute the unsung hero's
 who should not be forgotten.
The man that removed his jacket and gently
placed it around the shoulders of a woman
whose clothes had been blown off of her.
The many wonderful people who stood in line
for hours waiting to give blood.
The many caregivers that cared for, loved, 
comforted and fed children when their
parents didn't return for them.
The many that put a strangers life above their
own as they helped them from burning and
crumbling buildings.
The old man that stooped down to help an
injured person sitting on a curb, by placing
 his handkerchief against a bleeding wound,
and stayed with them until help arrived.
The thousands across our country that
held prayer vigils and lit candles.
The many thousand across our country that
gathered, food, water, and everything else
they could think of to send to New York.
To Clergy of all denominations
that offered comfort and prayers.
To the many news reporters that worked
around the clock, sometimes endangering
themselves to keep us informed.
The generous man in Phoenix, AZ that
not only donated his big truck to carry much
needed supplies to New York, but also
volunteered to drive it there.

To the many wonderful friends of this
country that have sent offers of help from

all over the world. We thank you!
May God Bless!
United We Stand....Divided We Fall.

We are in absolutely no danger of falling in
this wonderful country we live in...
We stand united as one in time of crisis!