Thursday, March 24, 2016

Col.Robert Galloway And Paisley Hall

Paisley Hall - Galloway Mansion

Paisley Hall 1.JPG

Paisley Hall is a historic mansion in Memphis, Tennessee, USA. It was built from 1908 to 1910 for Colonel Robert Galloway. It has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since February 12, 1980.

A little bit about Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galloway

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galloway were aboard the famous Mediterranean cruise of the SS Celtic which left NYC on February 8th, 1902. They returned to Memphis sometime after it docked in NYC on April 22nd. Mrs. Galloway died less than two months later on June 14, 1902. 

Read about Robert Galloway and the impact he had on Memphis History as he was appointed to the first Board of Park Commissioners in September of 1900 (chapter XV page 368 - Parks and Promenades).

From Animal Menagerie to World-Class Zoo: The Evolution of the Memphis Zoo The idea for the Memphis Zoo began as early as 1904, when Col. Robert Galloway started lobbying for funds to build a home for a Southern black bear named Natch. The bear, who was the mascot of the Memphis Turtles baseball team, was being kept chained to a tree in Overton Park. Natch was soon joined by several other abandoned wild animals, and Galloway presented the city with a plan to form a zoo to house them. After several unsuccessful attempts to begin a zoo, the Memphis Park Commission finally allocated $1,200 to establish the Memphis Zoo in 1906. Galloway was still using his own personal funds to care for the animals at the time, but he promised the commission that money for an animal building and the purchase of large animals would be obtained through citizen support. The Memphis Zoo Association (incorporated in 1910 as the Memphis Zoological Society) was formed to generate the funds. The group held its first fund-raising event, a baseball game, in August 1906 and raised $3,628. Combined with city funds, the money was used to build 23 simple cages and a row of concrete bear dens. Support continued, and in 1907 the first building at the Zoo, Galloway Hall, was built. In 1909 the Carnivora Building was built to house the big cats. The original elephant house, now part of the education complex, was also built in 1909.

Maj. Solomon (Sol) Street Sol Street was one of 18 children born to Anderson and Keziah McBride Street, one of the earliest settlers of Tippah Co. Miss. Sol was a carpenter by trade and enlisted early in the war (1861) in the Magnolia Guards which later was merged into the 2nd Miss. Infantry. He served at First Manassas, Seven Pines, and the Seven Days Battles. After North Miss. was invaded in 1862 he hired a substitute under the provisions of the Conscription Act and returned home. Street next is on record as having been made a captain in the Citizen's Guards of Tippah Co. Technically he was under Gen. Chalmers' command but was able to detach himself from the Gen.'s command so that he could harass the Federals along the Memphis and Charleston Railroad between Memphis and Corinth. Street establish headquarters of sorts in an impenetrable bottom of Tippah Creek, from which he operated an efficient and unorthodox intelligence system which served him well in his military activities. By 1863, Street had earned the enviable description of "noted Guerilla" and the unsubstantiated title of Colonel. Finally, Street saw that his days as the leader of an independent group of hit-and-run fighters were numbered. He evaded (regular) Confederate service for the last time by moving into the extreme southwest section of Tenn. Street's military career reached its peak while he was serving as a Major in the 15th Tn., a battalion under the command of Gen. N.B. Forrest. After the engagement at Ft. Pillow, Tenn., the following account details Street's last days, which were spent in the Bolivar, Tn. area. In Dec. 1862 William Galloway, a Saulsbury, Tn. farmer had an altercation with Street over the sale of cotton. Street killed Galloway without provocation. Galloway had a son named Robert who swore he would avenge his father's death, sending word far and wide that he would kill Street on sight. Robert was not quite 17 but enlisted in Capt. Higgs' Independent Scouts and bided his time. It was over a year before he ran across the man he had sworn to kill. On May 2, 1864, just after Forrest's command, numbering about 200 all told, had had a brush with over 1,000 Federal troops near Bolivar, Higgs' Scouts camped with Forrest's troops at Bolivar and there Robert met Maj. Street. True to his word, he avenged his father's death. Shooting a Major of his command was to Forrest an unpardonable crime and young Galloway was placed in charge of a guard of ten men with the cheering information that as sure as the sun rose in the morning he would be shot, and admonished him to make his peace with his God. The guards were instructed to "bind him fast and have him forthcoming when called for, or their lives should answer for his escape." Forrest also ordered that he should be tied with a rope and two men at a time should stand guard over him, one of whom should "hold on to the rope." Accordingly, his hands were tied, a long rope was placed around his neck, which one of the guards held in his hand. The first two to have charge of him were John W. Key of Washington, D.C. and L.H. Russ. Russ was about 16 years old and not much bigger than a piece of chalk--and for that reason was called the "baby of Forrest's escort." From the first his sympathies were enlisted on the side of the prisoner. Getting into conversation with Galloway, he got the entire story of the killing, talked it over with the guards, and won over the most of them to the idea of letting him get away. Russ stayed awake the whole night, and every 2 hours when the relief was changed, he asked, "is he still there?" hoping to that each succeeding relief would give him a chance to "skip". Later Key and Russ were on duty guarding the prisoner in the corner of a rail fence and the two begin talking in a way to let Galloway know he had better untied himself and make his get-away. "That fellow is a fool to stay here and get shot," said Ross. "If he tries to get away I shall shoot at him--but I won't hit him," replied Key. "If I was in his place, I'd make a break for our horses over there and take one and ride like the devil," said Russ, "and I would not care if he got mine." Key was holding the rope and Russ laid down across it between Key and the prisoner, and Galloway worked around, got his knife out of his pocket, cut his bonds and stole away quietly to the horses. He preferred to leave on foot rather than give them any chance to track him, as they would be able to do had he taken a horse. Reveille was sounded just as he disappeared in the woods. Waiting a sufficient time to give Galloway a chance to make his escape, the two guards began shooting their revolvers and running in an opposite direction from that taken by the prisoner. "Boots and Saddles" was sounded at once, the escort formed in lines and in two minutes Forrest put in an appearance, supposing the Federals were about to attack them. On learning that the prisoner had escaped, and none of the guards being able to tell how it happened, the dashing cavalry leader began cursing the guard, damning them individually, collectively, in detail and by sections; damned his whole escort from the highest officer in it to the cook--not one escaped his wrath--and after cursing all of the State of Tenn. in general and Bolivar in particular he order the guard under arrest, with the statement that he was about to march to Tupelo, Miss., and on arrival there he "intended to shoot every damned one of the ten guards." They were ordered to fall in the rear of the escort and the march began. On the way to Tupelo, the guards were all disheartened at the prospect of being shot except the "baby" who kept saying "Don't worry boys, Forrest won't shoot ten of his escort--good men are too scarce to kill 'em that way." Arriving at Tupelo, Forrest put the guard in a little old shanty in which a number of goats had been housed for a year, again telling them he would shoot the whole ten of them at sunrise. They were kept there for a week or more, when Russ one day climbed up the old fashioned chimney while some of his companions engaged the attention of the guard, climbed down the roof made his way to his company quarters and got Capt. Jackson and Maj. Strong to intercede with Forrest for their release. Russ made his way back to the goat pen the same way he got out, and Forrest, who had somewhat cooled down by this time released all except Sgt. Sims, who was Sgt. of the guard, declaring he would court-martial and shoot him. Sims stayed in the goat pen a week longer, when he was tried by court-martial and there being no evidence to convict, he went free. Sims never knew till long after the war who turned the prisoner loose. Many years later Galloway was visiting the Masonic Library during the meeting of the grand bodies and on looking over the register saw Russ' name. They had not met but each had a letter from the other. Galloway immediately went up to the lodge room, walked in, closely scrutinized every face and at last saw the features of the boy who 39 years before, snatched him from the jaws of death and gave him life and freedom. Going out into the anteroom, he had the Grand Sentinel call Russ out of the chapter room, and when he came Galloway found that he had faithfully remembered the features of the "baby of Forrest's escort." Then, of course, that fearful night was reconstructed. The writer through a friend met the two and had the story told for his edification. It is no fairy tale, but an actual incident of the war. When Galloway was aksed how he could remember the face of Russ so well, he remarked that the features of his preserver were burned into his very soul, and that he could never forget him. He added: "As long as I live that boy shall never want for anything and I have told my wife that, if I died before she does, she must share her last crust with him if he needs it, and you can safely bet that she will cheerfully do so." Both are Masons and this cemented the bond of friendship between them. Cal Street, a brother of the man Galloway killed was also a Mason. They are firm friends, but the killing has never been mentioned between them and probably never will be. Shortly after Galloway had returned to Saulsbury, after the war, some of Maj. Street's friends went quietly to work to have him tried by civil authority for the killing of Maj. Street. The Sheriff put a quietus to it, saying: "Boys, Bob Galloway has more friends in this country than Street ever had and if anything more is done toward trying him for what he did during the war, there will be a heap more dead men lying around loose in this neighborhood than you ever saw--and they will be those who stir up this matter too." Here ends the account of how Robert Galloway was saved from the grave by L.H. Russ, a boy who took chances of being shot himself to save a total stranger. The two are fast friends and will be while life lasts. 

Memphis Grain And Package Elevator. Situated in the very center of the most fertile and productive portion of the great Mississippi Valley, which comprises nearly two-thirds of the entire area of the United States, the commerce of this great valley alone will make the city of Memphis one of the greatest mercantile and commercial centers on the globe. Considering her geographical position, with her railway system yet in its infancy, and her unrivaled facilities for river transportation, there can be no doubt but that Memphis will, ere long, control the bulk of the commerce of this imperial valley. Already the city is the largest and most important inland cotton market in the country, and the rapid strides she is daily making with reference to the receipt and handling of grain, which should naturally here find the most available market, challenges the admiration of all those who have of late years marked the progress and enterprise of her merchants and business men. Appreciating her many advantages, and with that commendable and enterprising public spirit, which is so eminently a characteristic of her leading and most influential capitalists and business men; less than two years ago, Messrs. J. C. Neely, Napoleon Hill, Louis Hanauer, C. M. McGee and others, gentlemen, whose names are closely associated with the history of the progress and material interests of the city, and her leading commercial and industrial institutions, inaugurated an enterprise which is the most important, so far as its influence upon the future of the city is concerned, of any to which we have had occasion to allude on these pages. An enterprise to which we feel unable, in the short space necessarily allotted to us, to do that full and complete justice to which its mammoth proportions, and the standing, influence, capital and energy of its proprietors, entitles it. About two years ago the plans were drawn up for the construction of the Memphis Grain and Package Elevator, and the erection of the buildings was at once begun under the skillful supervision of Mr. W. Watson, a leading architect of Chicago, who makes a specialty of such work. Through delays occasioned by the high waters of the Mississippi, during the years of 1881 and 1882, the work was not completed until nearly eighteen months afterward. The space occupied extends from the south side of Poplar street to the north side of Locust street, thence from the west side of Promenade street to the water's edge. Some idea of the enormous extent and capacity of the building can be gained from the fact that its storage-room embraces fully six acres of space. All this is covered with a two-story warehouse, except where the grain elevator stands at the northwest corner. The grain elevator is 110x56 feet in size, 102 feet high, and is built of white pine lumber, the beams of yellow pine, the floors being of two-inch oak, the whole rendered fireproof by a sheathing of heavy corrugated iron and roofed with slate. Three million feet of lumber were used in the construction of the building. The cost of the entire work amounting to $200,000. The capacity of the grain elevator is 500,000 bushels, and the amount of grain on storage averages from 1,000 to 5,000 tons. The building is almost entirely built upon stone foundations, in connection with which every precaution is taken against any washing or cutting into the bank by the action of the river. Large water pipes abound in every part of the vast building, which furnish water to thirty-two fire plugs, and are connected with both the water works and the steam pump of the largest engine in the building. The hose is of the same size as that in use in the city fire department, and the corps of watchmen who are constantly employed are thoroughly drilled, each one having his particular post and duties to perform in case of any outbreak of fire, thus making it almost a matter of utter impossibility for a fire to make any headway or cause any material damage. Barges are loaded or unloaded by three endless belts, capable each of handling 100 tons per hour. The legs of the grain elevator have a capacity of 10,000 bushels each per hour. Six Fairbanks scales, with all latest improvements, are in the building and have a weighing capacity of 45,500 pounds. All of the machinery, appliances and apparatus in use, are of the very latest and most improved pattern that the ingenuity of man has been able to devise, the motive power for which is furnished by fourteen large engines with 350 aggregate horsepower, and a powerful battery of steel boilers. The elevator is also fitted up and supplied with the most modern appliances and machines for the cleaning and packing of all kinds of grain, and in the various departments of the business ,employment is given to thirty hands. The company owns 2,500 feet of railroad track connecting with all the railway lines entering the city, affording them great advantages for loading and unloading cars with expedition. In fact their facilities for receiving and shipping grain either by river or rail could not be rendered more perfect than they are. Three steamers can be easily handled at one and the same time. Their business has already begun to assume vast proportions and consists of the loading and unloading of steamers and barges, and the general storage of grain and other merchandise. To form an intelligent idea of the great magnitude of the concern and the extent of its operations it must be seen at work, pregnant with life and activity, with its army employes busy in their respective departments, its machinery in rapid and constant motion, its huge engines vibrating with mighty power and its furnaces pouring forth volumes of smoke to mingle with the clouds. An attractive feature which we failed to mention are the offices, in the arrangement and decoration of which the most refined taste and elegance is displayed. The offices are reached by an elegant double staircase, are located on a half floor between the second and third floors of the elevator building and command a magnificent view of the river. The elevator is owned by a joint stock company, mostly composed of citizens and merchants of this city, the officers of the company being, J. C. Neely, of the well-known house of Brooks, Neely & Co., president; P. G. Bigley, secretary, and R. Galloway, superintendent. It is to the class of enterprising and energetic citizens represented in the organization of this enterprise, that Memphis owes her present proud position in the galaxy of the representative cities of the Union, and if we have been able to make some enduring record of the vast influence exercised by the enterprise under consideration upon the present and future prosperity and progress of the city, our work will not have been in vain. 

Mary Galloway

The Mary Galloway Home

The Mary Galloway home was started as "The Home for Aged Women" in a small cottage in 1896 with six resident ladies, each of whom paid $10 per month. The founders were members of the "Willing Hands Circle" of the King's Daughters. The corporate charter of this charitable organization was issued by the State of Tennessee in January, 1897. The purpose of the home was - and is - to provide protection, comfort, and support in a harmonious and dignified setting for retirement age women with financial needs.

As the home grew and additional space was required, it was moved to the corner of Monroe and Manassas, across the street from Forrest Park. The debt incurred by this move was paid by Colonel Robert Galloway. In 1902, the residence officially became "The Mary Galloway Home" in memory of Colonel Galloway's wife, who had been a member of the founding circle. 759 Monroe Avenue housed the Mary Galloway ladies for 60 years. During that time there were additions made which increased the capacity to 30. An infirmary and a sunroom were also part of the additions.

In 1961, the building at 5389 Poplar was opened with space for 48 ladies. A later addition allowed housing for 52. Built on a 4 1/2 acre tract, this served as the Home for 36 years. Designed by Walk Jones, the structure was on one floor, with residents' rooms built around courtyards. Small sitting areas augmented the spacious living room. A beauty salon was included for the convenience of the ladies. The arrangement of two bedrooms which shared a half-bath allowed for later development of "suites" which could be occupied by one lady for a standard rate. All residents had to go down the hallway for bath or shower.

The governing the board decided to sell the Poplar property and enter into a lease agreement with what was known as Atria Communities in 1996. A special wing was designed for Mary Galloway residents at Atria of Cordova. The move to Appling Care Lane was accomplished in September, 1997. This facility was licensed as Assisted Living and gave the Mary Galloway residents the opportunity to "age in place", which was not possible at the Poplar residence. It was later bought and operated by SunWest Management, Inc. and called Cordova Estates. While the foundation subsidized only the basic level of care, a resident could remain and continue to receive the financial support so long as her family/sponsor was responsible for any additional charges.

In November of 2007, The Mary Galloway home move to Trezevant Terrace, a new assisted living facility on the campus of Trezevant Manor. Throughout its history, the Home has been run by a volunteer Governing board. There are special programs throughout the year; these include a Birthday Luncheon each month and a Christmas and Valentine party given by the board.

The Mary Galloway home is a nonprofit organization supported by income from trusts and other legacies, memorial donations, honorariums, gifts and rental fees from residents. A financial subsidy is granted to each resident according to her ability to pay.. Currently, the home has the capacity for 20 residents.

There were some important and interesting milestones contained in the annual reports of 1901, 1907, 1908 and 1910. In 1904, electric lights were installed in the Home, made possible by a special donation. 

In 1906, a new wing of six rooms was completed and the heating system was enlarged and changed from steam to hot water. Mr. Robert Galloway continued to be the “angel” for the Home. 

He furnished coal to heat the building, beautified the grounds with plants and shrubs, and provided the maintenance for them. “He made timely checks with the Board and, with his accustomed generosity, loaned money without interest to relieve occasional extreme need---to be repaid when we were able to do so---and when that time arrived, accepted only half of the sum.” 

Fundraisers mentioned in these reports included “entertainments” consisting of recitations, musicales, teas, bazaars and rummage sales. One interesting event was a lingerie sale, which took in $33.50.

 Also, it was reported that “bankers and insurance men got up a baseball game, playing against each other. From this game The Mary Galloway Home received the handsome sum of $216.25.” Other donations during these early years included money and groceries. The Frisco Railroad even donated the cost of freight charges on coal delivery to the Home. The Mary Galloway Home is in our 113th year as a Tennessee chartered nonprofit charitable organization. Throughout the years we have been blessed with contributions from individuals, corporations, estates, family trusts and family members of our residents. The kindness and generosity of these people has allowed us to continue our legacy of financial assistance to retired older women and enable them to live in an environment that is peaceful, secure and pleasant. We welcome your support in the form of gifts, memorials, honorariums, bequests and year-end charitable giving

Mrs. Galloway's Death

Mrs. Robert Galloway, of Memphis, Tenn., whose charming spirit won for her many friends on this cruise as well as at home, fell asleep very suddenly on the morning of June 14th. She and her husband, Mr. Robert Galloway, will be pleasantly remembered by their many friends on board the Celtic. The following rare tribute will tell of her life's richness to a larger circle. (From The Shibboleth, Memphis, Tenn.) It is a rare occurrence where fraternity periodicals ever mention the death of a woman unless she be prominently connected with some of the female societies which claim affinity with the order in whose interest the periodical is published. Amid the rush of business and the environment of custom, habit and neglect, the memory of good women is neglected, and an honorable mention of their fair names, their lovable qualities and deeds of benevolence is passed without notice. We have often wondered at this, especially so when the afflicted husband was prominent both, as a citizen and Mason. On behalf of the Shibboleth, we propose to act differently, and shall render "honor to whom honor is due," either in male or female. Mrs. Robert Galloway (nee Miss Mary Hall), was born in the city of Syracuse, N. Y., on the 6th day of June, 1845, and was, therefore, fifty-seven years old at her death. She was educated in the schools of that city. Her parents died when she was quite young, and while yet in her girlhood she came South to live with relatives. She was as thoroughly Southern as though to the manor born, and her sympathies were with its institutions. In 1865, after grim-visaged war had passed away and the white wings of peace had encompassed our land, she married Mr. Robert Galloway, and together they began life without a dollar; but with his energy, business capacity and honesty of purpose, aided by her allegiance and love and always ready hand to do her part, they soon began to be successful. Time rolled on, and with each succeeding year fortune favored them, and her husband points to the fact with pride "that she helped him make every dollar he is worth." It is a remarkable fact, in the life of this good woman, that as her husband grew in wealth, so did her charities, which were always without ostentation or show, and many tears of sorrow and love will flow from the eyes of God's poor as the winter winds sigh through their squalid homes and pierce their thinly clad forms as they do battle with the world for sustenance, when they call to mind her untimely death. She fell in the midst of life's harvest. Within her reach lay all the pleasure and happiness that wealth could give, together with the love, indulgence and devotion of a doting husband, in whose arms she expired ere his tear drops reached her cheek, and from whose bounty she had illustrated the greatest of God's virtues—charity. The place selected by the grim reaper was most timely. It might have been on foreign shores, in the land of strangers, as she had just made the famous tour of the Holy Land and other Eastern countries, on the Celtic, with her husband, but he spared her to return to her home and friends ere he slew her. 0! death, how unfathomable are thy ways, and seemingly cruel are thy mandates, and yet in this instance thou wert kind. Mrs. Galloway was our personal friend, made so by a lifelong friendship which we enjoyed with her husband, and we esteemed her greatly for her many lovable traits of character. She was gentle, kind and good. We never saw her out of humor, or appealed to her charities in vain. She became a member of the Christian church in her young life and always lived by faith and in the spirit of the "golden rule." To say that she was prepared is but to call to mind the lines : Just as I am, without one plea, But that thy blood was shed for me. In the death of Mrs. Galloway we are one friend less in the world. The great heart of the fraternity will go out to Brother Galloway in his irreparable loss, yet we remind him of the fact that Christ alone can heal the wound that death inflicts upon the loving heart.