Monday, May 27, 2013

Remembering Our Heroes Of All Nations Past And Present On This Memorial Day

The Keepers of Our Liberty
Those men and women
Brave and true,
Who risk their lives for me and you
so that we can have tomorrow.
 If tomorrow starts without them
 And they're not here to see
 The sunrise in the sky
 Or the birds upon the tree
Remember they gave their lives
For you and me.
They've fought in bloody battles
On the land, in the air and sea.
They've fought in mud and sand and dust
Fighting enemies wherever they must.
Even tho some wars are unjust
They gave their lives
For you and me.
As tomorrow starts without them,
We'll keep this special day.
A time apart, to show from the heart
Our thanks in every way.
Now they rest in Gods arms you see,
Because they gave their lives 
For you and me. 

Sandi V.