A hearing was held today for a Marine Corps reservist who could be dishonorably discharged for trying to warn his fellow Marines about an Afghan police chief’s links to the Taliban.
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Brezler said he was trying to do the right thing by sending the warning, but it was issued through a personal email account, which is an unclassified channel. The warning was ultimately ignored, and days later, three Marines lost their lives when one of Jan’s alleged child victims opened fire.
One of the three slain Marines was Gregory Buckley Jr. His father and aunt attended the hearing to support Brezler.
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“I personally feel he tried to save my son and his fellow Marines,” Gregory Buckley Sr. said. Buckley said his son had told him that he thought he was going to be murdered on his base.
Buckley’s aunt, Mary Liz Grossetto, said she thinks going after Brezler is a smoke screen. “Clearly, somebody dropped the ball,” she said on The Kelly File. According to Grossetto, Brezler’s email was seen by military personnel who are much higher up on the chain, and they did nothing.
Source: foxnewsinsider.com