This Building is at Front and GE Patterson, Central Station is the tall building behind it. When it opened in the late 1920's or early 1930's, it was a Pure Service Station.

This is The Mallory Neely House located in Victoria Village and this home can be toured.

This is the first James Lee House located on Adams Avenue east of the Magevney House. The second James Lee house is located next to the Woodruff Fontaine House.

This is the Woodruff Fontaine House on Adams Avenue.

This is the Original House located at The Memphis Country Club.

The Gayoso Hotel on Main Street in Downtown Memphis, TN

This is the Old building of The Commercial Appeal and Memphis Press Scimiter daily newspapers.

This is the original building of The Memphis Press Scimiter. The Press Scimiter was mostly about local news and The Commercial Appeal was about news nationally as well as local news. The Commercial Appeal is the paper now for Memphis a surrounding cities.

This is the old Hart's Bakery building that was located at Summer Avenue and Mendenhall in Memphis. You could tour the Bakery and children would receive a small loaf of bread as a gift. This building now houses Magnolia Paper.

This is an aerial view of Russwood Park (burned down) that was located on Union Avenue across from The Old Baptist Hospital (razed). The land was later turned into a parking lot for U.T Medical and Baptist Hospital.

This is the old Tennessee Brewery Building. One of the leading Breweries in the Mid South. The building in front of the brewery was the old Imperial Dinette Company. They were popular in the fifties and sixties for there red/white, aqua/white, yellow/black dinnette tables and chairs that had chrome legs and table trims.

This is The Porter Leath Home, it was an "Orphan Asylum' and it is still used as a home for children that can be adopted. This building is located on Mannassas Avenue in Memphis, TN.

Here is a picture of the Old Greyhound Bus Terminal on Union Avenue in Downtown Memphis.

This is the Memphis Street Railway Company Barn where the streetcars went to turn around and later it was used by the city buses. There are two versions shown here: the old style that rode on tracks (at left) and the newer bus-like cars (at right) that picked up their power from overhead electric lines.
This is Asher Hall, located on the corner of Central Avenue and Lamar Avenue.

The Old Auditorium Downtown they have added on to this and now have the Canon Center.

This is an add on to the Old Auditorium, they added a Lobby and a Hall.

The Downtown Motor In on Union Avenue, Memphis

The Original Post Office Downtown Memphis next to Confederate Park. They have opened the new, Main Post Office opened at 3rd & Calhoun.

Ramesses used to stand in front of the Pyramid but when the Pyramid was sold to Bucking Bass Pro Shop, they know longer wanted it there so it has been moved to the University Of Memphis.

Civic Plaza Fountain

Court Square Fountain

Newer Trolley's in the late fifties and early sixties in Downtown Memphis. The Walgreens was on the corner of Main and Madison.

Aerial View of The Holiday Inn Rivermont on the Bluffs of the Mississippi River.

The University Club
On a spring morning in 1907, a group of young men were having lunch and trying to adjust to life after college. One of the group remarked, “Memphis ought to have a University Club.” No sooner said than done, these young men decided to form one. The Club got off to a festive start with a gala party and experienced considerable growth; it was quite a grand beginning.

This is the Marx And Bensdorf Real Estate Building built in 1868.

"A Leader In World Medicine", Baptist Memorial Hospital was the world's largest Baptist hospital, world's largest private hospital. also where Elvis was pronounced dead, as well as Sheriff Buford Pusser. This building was imploded and gone in just a few minutes.

Lauderdale Courts is where Elvis and his family once lived.

Home of The Memphis Business Journal.

The Old Veterns Hospital On Lamar close to Historic Elmwood Cemetery, this has been torn down and replaced with new Apartments.

This is the Klinke-Reed Dairy on Bellevue, notice the water tower on the roof is a copy of the old glass milk jug.

The Sterick Building used to be the tallest building downtown.

It's the original 'Cossitt Library on Front Street. Only a small portion of the rear foundation is still in existence. They tore it down this part in the 1950's. Their is a fire station in this location now.

This is the Tennessee Club located in downtown Memphis. The picture just above is what it looks like now.

Fairview Drive-In that was located at Young and East Parkway (across from the Fairgrounds).
What a wonderful memory - the Fairview Drive-in Frozen Custard! It was the best ever! I remember there was a walk-up window where kids could order a cone of Frozen Custard while waiting for the bus after a fun day at the Fairgrounds!

The Shelby County Building adorned with a neon shovel celebrating "The Big Dig" (groundbreaking on the Pyramid) This building burned down several years ago.

The Pyramid under construction This is going to be the Future home of Bass Pro Shop.

Security Rambler on Union Avenue, this was automobile row before it made the move to Covington Pike.

The Defense Depot was located on Airways Blvd. it has since been torn down and just a few buildings are still there.

The Cooper's Big Star on Quince Avenue in East Memphis

Old Kennedy Hospital on Getwell and Park Avenue. "There was a saying about this part of town: "Come to Park And Get Well."

Here is the office building that is located in Eastgate Shopping Center at Park Avenue and White Station Road.

The Building on the right with the flag is Clark Tower and the one on the left is a bank.

Esso Gas Station at Southern and Highland (gas 21 cents) and they filled the tank for you and checked your oil and cleaned your windshield as well. Now that is what you call Service. :-)

The Old Marine Military Hospital and complex, can be found really close to the 120 (W Eh Crump Road), halfway between the old Mississippi River bridge and President's Island. The turn off to the museum and grounds of the old hospital is the first exit, after crossing the river. Turn right on Alston road, left on Metal Museum Dr., and just follow the road around to the National Ornamental Metal Museums and buildings, and the old hospital, that all sit just across the street from De Soto Park.

Old Marine Military Hospital: The Marine Hospital and its grounds came into being in the late 1800's, on the site of an old Civl War Hospital. The Army and Army Reserve made good use of this facility for 67 years. Eventually, the National Guard took over this installation. When they left, the buildings were sold, except the large main hospital, which stood vacant for awhile. Finally, Dean Baxter bought the 3.2 acres and hospital structure from the Government in the early 2000's, for $350,000.

Old Marine Military Hospital Haunted!
Two buildings and the main hospital structure are said to be the most haunted places in Memphis.
The former Nurses' Residence Building - Now the National Ornamental Metal Museum seems to be home to spirits who died from yellow fever. The living are probably treated to the full treatment, footsteps, objects being moved, voices, and perhaps even mists and apparitions.

The history behind Union Avenue; "Contrary to popular belief, Union Avenue's name has nothing to do with the Civil War. The street was the southern boundary of Memphis until 1850, when the city consolidated with the rival city of South Memphis. The street was named to commemorate the union of two cities."

100 N. Main Building tops the Sterick Building as Memphis's tallest building.

Inside the rotating restaurant at 100 N. Main Building

The Ice Skating Rink in the Old Mall of Memphis

The Hotel Claridge it has now been turned into Condo's

The Memphis Colossium has hosted Elvis Presley, The Beatles, The Monkees, The Memphis Tigers and Jerry Lawler. The city officials have been wanting to tear it down instead of saving it because of other venues that are in Memphis.

Ballard And Ballard Obelisk Flour Company on Front St.

Raleigh Inn located off of James Road (1907) when they had a warm springs Spa. There is a section on this in the book: "I Remember Raleigh". Fascinating history about Raleigh and it's older than Memphis.
The descriptions of the resort make it sound like the ideal place to spend a few weeks during this maddening heat:
■“…within a short electric ride of Memphis, or an hour and a half’s charming drive over a splendid pike”
■“Electric lights, call bells, bath and toilet rooms, sewers, wire screens on all outside openings, local and long distance telephone, all add to the comfort of the guests.”
■“for all there are amusements – fishing, frog shooting, tennis, bicycling, billiards, etc.”
And, if you’re feeling under the weather, the Raleigh Springs can treat: “Eczema, ulcers, sore throat, tonsilitis… Gout, rheumatism, scrofula, summer complaint, acid diarrhoea, neuralgia of stomach, nausea, gravel, cystitis, catarrh, teething, and diseases of young children… cardiac weakness, dropsy, liver complaint, chronic diseases…torpor of the digestive organs, jaundice, malaria, anaemia and catarrhal conditions of the abdominal organs… nasal catarrh… boils… torpid liver, constipation, dyspepsia… dysentery… biliary colic, malaria, anemia, sick headache.”

The building behind the administration building was the science department. To its right is Scates hall, men's dorm. The house near the front, left corner was the President's Home. The State College of Memphis, Memphis State and now called University of Memphis.

Bass Pro Update: Construction is underway on the elevator shaft to the top of The Pyramid which will offer public access to the best views in Memphis!

Built on the original site of the George Arnold residence in 1927, the Greenstone utilizes the original materials from the Arnold mansion. It is located at 1116 Poplar at North Waldran.

The current location is not the original location, but at it's current location, 2nd street and 3rd street are both one way streets..2nd only south and 3rd only north.

Beale St - Circa 1939

No plan to demolish 19th Century Club building, says winning bidder
By Thomas Bailey Jr.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
The winning bidder for the historic Nineteenth Century Club building said Wednesday he has not decided to demolish the building and asked Memphians concerned about its future to be patient.
Shon “Don” Lin of Clinton, Ark., confirmed in a telephone interview what attorneys and real estate agents had not revealed: That he was the one who, through an agent, offered the winning bid on Jan. 24 for the 106-year-old grand residence that stands regally if water damaged along the Union Avenue commercial strip.
“That hasn’t been decided yet,” Lin said when asked if he planned to demolish the Colonial Revival structure built by lumber magnate Rowland Jones Darnell in 1907.
The building sits on 1.2 acres zoned for commercial uses.
Among Lin and wife Dana Lin’s business interests are Chinese restaurants, including several in the Memphis area.
The house is on the National Register of Historic Places, and its fate has been of the utmost interest in recent months for the city’s preservation organization, Memphis Heritage.
But in answering a reporter’s first question, Lin showed that he apparently has other ventures to think about in addition to the building at 1433 Union.
Reporter Know yet what you plan to do with building?
Lin (After long pause) Which highway is it on?
Reporter Union Avenue in Midtown Memphis.
Lin Not at this time. That hasn’t been decided yet.
Asked if he has contacted an architect to explore preserving and adapting the building, he said, “Possibly ... There has been some people.”
Asked if he had anything to say to Memphians who are concerned the building would be demolished, Lin responded, “At this time, no. Just have to be patient until a decision is made.”
Lin won the bidding against team comprising two architects and a businesswoman who were keenly interested in preserving the building and worked in concert with Memphis Heritage. Architects Dianne Dixon and Larry Clark, partners in Clark/Dixon Architects, and businesswoman Nita Black said they bid $350,000 during the auction, losing to Lin’s bid of $550,000.
The club may have taken the lower bid to save the building, but there was another weakness in the low bid. Clark acknowledged this week that at the auction, he and his partners were not prepared to pay cash, but instead asked the Nineteenth Century Club to accept payments. Initially, they even asked to delay the first payment a year.
The losing bidders and Memphis Heritage’s executive director, June West, grew hopeful when the club and winning bidder had not closed on the sale within the 30-day deadline established by the auction rules.
In recent days, Clark, Dixon and Black strengthened their offer by obtaining bank-backing for a loan that would allow them to make a $350,000 cash offer.
Dixon sent a letter on Feb. 22 to all members of the Nineteenth Century Club asking them to contact club leadership urging them not to agree to extend the 30-day deadline for closing the sale. She wrote that she, Clark and Black were forming the Women’s Business Center and wanted to house it in the historic building.
“We want to create a center for women business owners to train, network and encourage women entrepreneurs, especially in construction trades,” Dixon wrote.
“... We have great plans for the renovations by women in construction and commitments for a ground floor upscale restaurant, as well as lease space for businesses, art shows and weddings & special events,” she wrote.
On March 5, the club’s closing attorney, Charles Cottam, e-mailed the preservationists’ attorney, Webb Brewer. Cottam wrote that the club’s board was willing to favorably consider a formal written contract if Brewer’s clients would, in part: provide a $350,000 purchase price, plus make arrangements with the winning bidder to buy out the purchasing rights.
The preservationists grew hopeful until Tuesday, when Brewer learned from the winning bidder’s attorney what the buy-out would cost: $2 million.
“It looks like it’s gone,” Clark said of the building. “... Our heart is in that work,” he said of preserving and restoring older buildings. “We saw an opportunity. We really thought we could make a return on that building.”
Nineteenth Century Club president Lynn Heathcott said Wednesday she could not comment because of threatened legal action.
But she did say, “We would love to see it restored but we have been trying for over three years publicly to reach out to get someone to come in and restore the property and they waited too late ... I had every desire for them to be able to restore it.”

This was at Summer and Bartlett Road. Across from what is now the Putt Putt place! The Shanti Steakhouse used to sit right across the street in an old has station.

Rearview of Galloway House

Poplar and McLean 1939

Coca Cola Bottling Company on Hollywood Blvd.
Source: Internet