The First Holiday Inn, Summer Avenue, Memphis, TN

4941 Summer Avenue, Memphis, TN This building has been torn down and the above sign is in it's place.

This is a picture of the lobby of the 1st. Holiday Inn pictured above.

In this composite image the children of Holiday Inn founder Kemmons Wilson, Spence Wilson, Bob Wilson, Kem Wilson Jr., Betty Moore and Carole West recreate the original ribbon cutting image from the first Holiday Inn Hotel built in Memphis, Tennessee in 1952 during the brand's global 60th anniversary celebration on August 1, 2012 in Memphis, Tennessee.

Holiday Inn Rivermont was built on the Bluffs of Memphis, TN and the Mississippi River at Tom Lee Park. This is now the Rivermont Condos.

A Key to a room at The Holiday Inn Rivermont.

Original Sign "Your Host From Coast To Coast"

Kemmons Wilson on the cover of Time Magazine

The Holiday Inn Reservations Center at Holiday City. When you called to make reservations at a Holiday Inn this is where the call came to wile making your reservations.

This could be the Holiday Inn that was close to Graceland in Whitehaven a Suburb of Memphis.

This Holiday Inn was located behind the Navy Hospital and The Metal Museum by the Old Bridge on the Banks of the Mississippi River.

Families went to the Holiday Inn's that were near them for their Fine Dining Experience. You would go thru a buffet line and select the food that you wanted and the staffs were all very friendly.

This is what the rooms looked like in the first Holiday Inns.

Here are some pictures of some Holiday Inn Dining Rooms.

This Holiday Inn was located on Lamar Avenue in Memphis, TN.

This is the Holiday Inn located on Madison Avenue in The Medical Center next door to where they tore down Baptist Hospital. This building is still here but the hotel is now empty.

Holiday Inn Midtown on Union Avenue across the street from Methodist Hospital. This building has been razed and is now a parking lot.
Source: Internet