Some folks live in bubbles
Treading on others toes
Rude and nasty people
For them, I dedicate this prose.
Treading on others toes
Rude and nasty people
For them, I dedicate this prose.
If you're the guy who nearly ran me off the road:
You're way above the speed limit
A cell phone to your ear
Whipping in and out of traffic
You'll hurt someone I fear!
A cell phone to your ear
Whipping in and out of traffic
You'll hurt someone I fear!

For the lady at the grocery store
That pushed into the line
You've forgotten all your manners
Is your ice cream better than mine?
That pushed into the line
You've forgotten all your manners
Is your ice cream better than mine?

Don't call me up at suppertime
To ask me to vote for you
I'll cross you off my list for sure
If you interrupt my stew!
To ask me to vote for you
I'll cross you off my list for sure
If you interrupt my stew!

And for all of you who are rude to the rest of us,
I have a little something for you.
I have a little something for you.
Please scroll down for your little gift...